
Lexington seems to be the youngest of the gargoyles and is definitely the smallest. He compensates for his small body with a quick and agile mind. Lex loves technology, the more high-tech the better. Unlike Hudson and Broadway, Lex is literate and spends much of his time reading up on the newest leaps in technology. Lexington is much more suited to the 20th century than to the 9th. It only took him a short time to learn to use a computer with enough proficiency that he can hack into even the most powerful of Xanato's computers. He also loves to build and experiment with various types of machinery. He built a motorcycle for Brooklyn after only riding one once, and he rebuilt a helicopter after crashing it. If given a new piece of technology, it seems to take this intelligent gargoyle mere minutes to gain a working knowledge of it. But Lexington is still very young and vulnerable. Though he has a courageous heart, he is so much smaller than the other gargoyles than he usually gets hurt. And it doesn't help that he has a temper that sometimes gets away from him, and he also tends to hold a grudge. For example, Lexington was tricked by the Pack into luring Goliath into a trap, when he discovered the betrayal, Lex was furious. The next time the Pack showed up, it was all Brooklyn could do to keep Lex from trying to take them on all on his own. He quickly learned the error of his ways, but this doesn't stop him from taking every appearance of the Pack as an almost personal insult.