Fighting Styles And Special Moves Guide

Anything Goes Martial Arts:

This is the most prevalent style of fighting, mostly because both of the main characters, Ranma and Akane, are students of this school. The basic precepts of this style are that "anything" goes in a fight. There are only two families that fight in this style, the Tendos and the Saotomes. Happosai is the most powerful master of this school never having been defeated for long. Ranma is the next most poweful fighter, probably because of all the practice he gets.

Martial Arts Rythimic Gymnastics:

This style of fighting has two rules, you must attack using a tool and you must stay in the ring. Anything else is fair. The tools of this game are the same as regular rythmic gymnastics, the rope, the ribbon, the baton, the hoop and the ball. Other tools (tables, bells, brothers) can be used, but only in an "Anything Goes" match. Kodachi Kuno was the master of this style until she was defeated in her own game by Ranma-chan. On a curious note, Ryoga happens to be well versed in this style. How did our favorite lost boy come to know what seems to be a female martial art?

Martial Arts Figure Skating:

This style is fought on the ice. The former masters were the "Golden Pair" Azusa and Mikado who were defeated by Ranma-chan and Ryoga. Though actually they won more be accident as the Golden Pair had to forfeit after Mikado got hurt as a result of a Ranma and Ryoga fight. This style incorportates the complicated lifts, throws and spins of Figure Skating into a Kempo style martial art.

Chinese Amazon Martial Arts:

There is no particular style to these arts, I'm just sort of lumping together all the stuff that Cologne has claimed were "Ancient Chinese Amazon Arts". From what we've seen so far, the Chinese Amazons seems to incoporate secret herbs and chi attacks into their moves. Cologne is the most poweful of the Chinese Amazons and is the only one who can evenly match Happosai.

Various Special Moves:

Kachü Tenshin Amaguriken:

The 'Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire' technique, an ancient Chinese Amazon art, taught by Cologne to Ranma. The technique is learned by teaching yourself to pull hot chestnuts out of the center of the fire. A similar method is to pull Pirhanas out of a pool with out being bitten. After rigrous training the student will have developed an amazing speed, allowing him/her to throw a thousand punches in the time it usually takes to throw one. When a move is made by a master of this art, it seems like nothing more than a blur and the offense and defensive moves are nearly indistinguishable.

Hiryü Shöten Ha:

This is a chi attack, roughly translated to 'ascending dragon strike', taught to Ranma by Cologne and is a another Chinese Amazon art. You begin by running toward an opponent in a "perfect spiral" . Your opponent must be really angry or worked up so that they have a hot chi. The spiral gathers up that and when the opponent's attack reaches it's apex you punch up and blast their chi back at them. When perfectly executed the attack creates a temporary tornado many 100m high that literally blows the competition away. Ranma revised this attack to create the Hiryü Shöten Ha - Horizontal Blast. This attack was specifically designed to counter a chi blast attack. By creating a spiral with an ally (in Ranma's case, Akane) in it's center, the ally is pushed forward an extreme speed while the chi of the other attack is countered by the spiral. With the blast countered the ally can attack with impunity.

Shishi Höködan:

This is another chi blast. The Shishi Höködan or 'lion roar shot' was taught to Ryoga by a civil enginner. This chi blast is created by the feelings of depression, loss, and worhlessness. One gathers all of that energy and blasts it out at an opponent. Your opponent will feel like they've been struck with a huge fist. If you're really depressed you have a chance to make the perfect attack, a perfected attack will create a >10m crater, and light-sphere >100m wide. Unfortunately this attack is very hard to perfect because once you've suceeded it's hard to stay depressed.

Mökö Takabisha:

This is Ranma's answer to the Shishi Höködan. His chi attack, 'fierce tiger domineering', is fueled by postive emotions like confidence and self assurance. Unable to stay depressed long enough to sucessfully pull off the Shishi Höködan, Ranma realized that he was tapping the wrong emotions. By tapping into his self-confidence he was able to produce a counter to Ryoga's attack.

Neko Ken:

Translating as simply 'cat fist' this is one of Ranma's most poweful attacks. It is as unpredicatble as it is devestating. When in the throes of the Neko Ken, Ranma is unstoppable, with a meow and a slash of his "paw" he can tear through anything. This fearsome attack is gained at a terrible cost. To learn this attack, now banned because of it's cruel training, the student (read 'victim') is covered in fish sausages and tossed into a pit of starving cats. This tactic will supposedly trigger an automatic response, the 'cat fist'. What it actually gave Ranma was a pathological fear of cats. When in close proximity for too long to a cat he snaps and thinks he is a cat. While unstoppable, Ranma can't control himself and once even kissed Akane while 'under the influence'.

Saotome Secret Final Attack - Run Away:

This is the final and most secret attack of the Saotome Anything Goes School of Martial Arts. However it's application is very simple. When faced with insurmountable odds, that is the time to pull out this attack. First to distract and worry your opponent yell very loudly "SAOTOME FINAL ATTACK!" Then, while they're distracted, run away and think of a new plan. This is very useful when you're fighting against a poweful opponent and so simple even a beginner can use it.

Saotome Secret Attack - Wolf Fang Attack From the Rear:

This attack is also useful for beginners or when you're fighting against a powerful foe. You could also pair this attack with the Saotome Final Attack for a particularly devestating attack. For this attack to be sucessful your foe must be facing away from you. A good eay to get them to turn is to shout "WHAT'S THAT!" and point behind them. When they've turned around hook your fingers like the fangs of a wolf and leap on their back.

Saotome Secret Attack - Fierce Tiger Hit Figure:

This one is very similar to the last two. For this attack to work you need to both be above your opponent and to distract them. While you could use the same method of distraction as in the last attack (shouting "WHAT'S THAT!" and pointing behind them) I find that shouting "Look a 100 yen coin!" is the most effective forgetting them into the proper postion. Remeber that the amount of the dropped money must be believable. Anything more than 100 yen will usually be seen as suspect.

Saotome Secret Attack - Frog Run Over and Killed Figure:

This is the most simple attack and perhaps the most generally useful. You simply charge your foe and run him over like a frog run over by a truck.

Saotome Secret Attack - Fierce Tiger Falling Down:

This is an attack that was mastered by Genma Saotome and he swears it's one of the most useful. To master this technique you must postion yourself like a tiget that has fallen from a cliff. Get on your knees, place your forehead and plams on the ground and grovel. Accompaning phrases like "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" are quite useful.

Saotome Secret Attack - Demon Dog Wailing Defeat :

This attack is also one of Genma's. It is very useful against chi or blasting attacks. To use this attack you must be sure that you are out of the range of your opponet's chi. Then you begin hurling insults and jibes. This will make your opponent more reckless once he become angry. Once he's becom infuriated and careless he will become much easier to beat.

Saotome Secret Ninja Attack; Now You See Me, Now You Don't:

This is one of two invisablity tricks taught to Genma Saotome and Soun Tendo. However, this attack, as with all invisability attacks have a fatal flaw. While your invisable you can't attack. It is useful though to freak out and disarm your opponent. To preform Saotome's version you need a bit of forethought. You must paint an exact replica of the background of the area you plan to fight in. Set it up and when you plan to use this attack you leap behind it seemingly vanished.

Tendo Secret Ninja Attack; Now You See Me, Now You Don't:

This attack takes even more preperation than the previous. This attack was mastered by Soun Tendo. To use this attack you must dig a shallow trench and hide yourself in it. Covered by leaves and brush you will have seemed to have disappeared.

Dual Jet Stream Raging Waters Attack:

This attack requires two people to sucessfully be carried off. You lock arms (back to back) with your ally and both kick as hard as you can. This will pull you up into the air like a jet stream and then thrust you down with incredible force onto your opponent.

Hidden Weapon Techniques:

This is more of a technique than an attack. The resident master on this technique is the myopic Mousse. Able to fling yards and yards of chain and other entangling weapons out of his sleeves (even short sleeves!) and produce even bulky objects like training toliets out of practiacally no where, this technique is extremely poweful.

Special Formula 110 Shampoo technique :

This is one of Shampoo's ancient amazon secret attacks. To perform this attack you must first learn how to wash hair while applying pressure to sensitive areas of the brain. You must also obtain a 110 formula shampoo for this attack. Once you have the necesssary skills, speed and shampoo you can use this attack to selectively erase memory! While not actually physically damaging it can be quite useful.

Bakusai Tenketsu:

This attack, once mastered, allows you to explode rocks with a simple touch. This attack was taught to Ryoga by Cologne. He planned to use it against Ranma but was disapointed that the Bakusai Tenketsu, the 'blasting point hole', only works against inanimate objects. To master Bakusai Tenketsu you have to learn to distinguish the one point on an object that when pressed will cause it's molecules to release their hold on one another an make it explode outward.

Happo Daikarin :

This is what Happosai calls his fuse bombs that he tosses during a battle. While perhaps not a true "attack" this would be a rather easy one to learn for a bare beginner. A well stocked bag of bombs and few matches is all that's required.


This technique was taught to Miss Hinako by Happosai when she was just a sickly child. She thought this attack "the best gymnastics" was a method to help her get stronger. Actually Happosai was using her to accomplish panty raids against the female staff of the hospital. This technique is a chi attack. Using any round object, usually a 5 yen coin, a person can use this technique to syphon off an opponent's fighting chi. Once drained the person, now resembling a dried up husk, is literally blown away. The master of this attack absorbs the chi which in Miss Hinako's case means she transforms into a quite beautiful woman. When the chi runs out she changes into a little girl.

The Guide's Guide to Ranma 1/2

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