The Start Of It All

The story of Sailor Moon begins on one of Serena's (Usagi in the orginal Japanese) typical mornings. She'd woken up late (as usual) and was running for school when she came across a cat (in the anime she shooed of some hoodlum boys away from her, in the manga she stepped on her.) and removed a bandage placed on its forehead. Thinking nothing more of it she ran off to school. But later on the cat, Luna, crept into her bedroom and revealed that Serena was the sailor scout of the Moon, Sailor Moon! Serena thought she was dreaming but Luna convinced her by giving Serena her transformation brooch and telling her to say "Moon Prism Power!"

Serena gave it a try and was suddenly transformed into Sailor Moon, Fighter for Love and Justice! Unfortunatly Serena isn't a very good fighter, she really isn't a good at anything but being a friend. If it weren't for the other scouts and Tuxedo Mask, she'd probably get her clock cleaned by the first villian that came along. But with her friends beside her, when it comes down to the wire, Sailor Moon will always be there to save us.

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