This tutorial assumes a few things, first that you have an account at SUNY Oswego and that it is setup to handle a webpage. If these things are not true you will have to modify this to suit your needs.
How to use Fetch
We use fetch to get things from or to put things in an on-line account. We will be using Fetch to put your webpage into your account. Open Fetch form the apple menu under Tele-apps.
A "new connection" fetch window will
appear. The first thing we have to do is tell the computer on what
system to find the account. To to this we press the tab key until the
"Host" window is highlighted. Press delete to clear the window. Then
type in DON'T PRESS RETURN! Instead of taking you
to the next window it try to connect to the system prematurely. Press
tab to get to the next window, the "User ID" window. Press delete to
clear the window. Type in your username (the part of your email
adress before the @). Tab to get to the next window, delete to clear
it and enter your account password. Tab to the next window, clear it
and type public-html. Your window should look like this.
If everything matches up click okay
or press return.
A menu will appear.
There will be an empty window with a
scroll bar and two buttons labeled "Put" and "Get". You will use
"Put" to place your webpage in your account. If you want to modify or
change it, you can use "Get" to fetch it out again. We will be
placing something in your account. So click on "Put" , a file
selection window will appear.
Select the files you want to put
into your account.
Click the open button and another menu will come up. Leave the file name the way it is,
hold your mouse down on the "format" window. Select the "raw data"
option, then click the okay buton. As your file uploads your cursor
will become a little silloutte of a dog running. When Fetch has
finished transfering the file, the file name will appear in the name
section of the window, your screen should look like this:
If so, then you area all set to transfer your next file or quit.