The four sisters where
healed by Sailor Moon, turning them from evil and into humans. Catsy
was the first to be healed. Sent to the Cherry Hill Temple by Rubeus
to capture Rini, she was foiled by Sailor Mars and the later arriving
Sailor Scouts. Rubeus appeared and told her that he thought she would
fail and that he'd never loved her. He gave her a "good-bye gift", a
nega-bomb, he suggested she use it and at least make her death
meaninful by taking the scouts with her. Utterly crushed, she planned
to do just that. Sailor Mars convinced her to live, speaking up for
her and offering her friendship. Sailor Moon healed her and cleansed
her of the last of her evil power.
Birdie was the
next to be healed, sent to secure a crystal point she inadvertently
discovered Sailor Mercury's true identity. Challenging her to a chess
match for the lives of her fellow scouts, Amy had no choice but to
agree. But Birdie fixed the rules in her favor, cheating, and when it
looked like she was sure to win her sisters showed up for a little of
the credit. But their plans shattered when Tuxedo Mask showed up and
evened the odds. Prisma and Avery fled, warning Birdie that she
shouldn't come back. Knowing that there was nothing left for her back
at the spaceship and crushed by her loss, Birdie unleashed her power
planning to let it consume her. But Catsy fought her way to her and
convinced her that there was another way, all she had to do was let
Sailor Moon heal her. Agreeing, Birdie was healed and became a friend
to the scouts.
Avery and Prisma where converted at the same
time. Rubeus had given Prisma the Negamoon Strobe. It amplified her
powers by ten, and also affected her emotions. Effected by the strobe
her jealously and ambition went out of control. She struck out at
Catsy and Birdie and at her supposed compatriot Avery. Concerned,
Avery tried to talk some sense into her, but Prisma just lashed out
again. Desperate, she asked the Sailor Scouts to help. To her shock,
they did. After the Negamoon Stobe was knocked into the portal,
Prisma was shocked at what she'd become. Convinced that her sisters
must hate her, she tried to right things by casting herself into the
void. Avery and her other sisters stopped her, telling her that they
loved her. With the help of the scouts Avery and Prisma where saved.
Though they were uncertain, the two agreed to be healed.