Possessed by the evil Mistress9, and working with her now evil father, she sought the three talismans so she might become the dark messiah and release her master Pharoh90. In her day-to-day life however, Hotaru seemed unaware of her possesion. A very weak child, she became easily exausted. She also had strange abilities allowing her to heal injuries with a mere touch. Her classmates found this to be disconcerting and gross. She also would have fits where she'd hurt someone and then not remeber it. Shunned by her classmates she was very lonely. By chance she met Chibi-Usa (Reeni) and she gained her first friend. With friendship and the desire to protect all such friendships she helped Sailor Moon exorcise Mistress9. She then lept from the building to prevent Pharoh90 from escaping. She was reincarnated as a baby and raised by Haruka and Neptune until SailorMoon SuperS when she grew to about the age of six. She was then able to become Sailor Saturn and fight along the side of good. |
Sailor Saturn's powers are the most dangerous in the series. She posses the power to destroy the world. She uses these different tools and phrases to activate them. Death Reborn
Revolution Silence
Block! Silence Glaive Suprise! |